Month: March 2022
Shannow Wood

All of the boys and girls enjoyed a walk to Shannow Wood on Thursday, a beautiful day to be out in the sunshine!
Soaking up the sun

3rd Class took their DEAR (drop everything and read) time outside today to enjoy the lovely sunshine!
Spring time planting in the Shooting Stars

The children in the Shooting Stars have been learning all about the different flowers that come out during spring time. They have planted their own seeds and are learning how to look after them. We can’t wait to see them grow!
Cookery Club

For the last week of cookery club, 3rd class made some yummy St.Patricks Day themed cupcakes and cookies.
Funky Hair & Colour Day
Seachtain Na Gaeilge

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar feabhas i Scoil Naomh Bríd. Féach an na bpictuirí as an tseachtain.
Well-being Week

For Well-being Week, all of the boys and girls took part in different activities throughout the week, they learned about mindfulness, gratitude and happiness.
Take a look at some of the activities each classroom got up to!

The boys and girls are loving gymnastics this term. Take a look at some of the stretches and moves they have been practicing.