Month: October 2017
Spooky Infants

Junior & Senior Infants were very busy this week preparing for Halloween during their Aistear sessions. The classes were divided into 5 groups and all engaged in structured play:
Small World - Trick or Treating around the town
Art - Making Spiders
Playdough - Halloween playdough mats
Role Play - Witch's Cave
Construction - Haunted Houses
Weekly Draw
School Assembly

Our First School Assembly was held on Friday 6th October. The assembly gave everyone the opportunity to come together as a school and talk about various events and initiatives that are happening in our school. It is also a time when we can celebrate the achievements of our pupils. During our Assembly we welcomed all the new pupils to our school. Junior and Senior Infants sang a song about working together and Ms. Tierney's class preformed the ' Haka' as Gaeilge.
Playground Fundraiser

Halloween Spooky Walk in aid of Playground Development in Redhills Village. Walk will take place on 30th October at 4.00pm.
Leaf Lovers

5th and 6th class today enjoyed searching for beautiful leaves to use in their art lesson. Keep an eye on our school website over the coming week to see our creations.
Weekly Draw
Evening of Christmas Song 2017
Tom Coyle Memorial Cup

Eoin Burns is pictured with the Tom Coyle Memorial cup, which he won with his team, Cavan Gaels, at an under-8 blitz in Killygarry on Saturday. Cavan Gaels played against Castlerahan, Crosserlough, Mullahoran and went on to beat Killygarry in the final to win the cup. Congratulations Eoin.