Choir has commenced for children in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class to prepare for First Holy Communion.
Guitar lessons have also commenced for 3rd and 4th class students. We are currently in our second week.
The boys and girls in First and Second class have been busy learning all about the sun, the moon, the stars and space. As part of their learning, they designed and created their own rocket-ships. Well done on all your hard work!
Check out these beautiful polar landscapes completed by 3rd and 4th Class. The children have been learning about Tom Crean, Antarctic explorer with Ms. Lawlor.
5th and 6th Class created rainy day scenes based on April Showers. The children used different painting techniques to achieve their desired result. Take a look below.
Redhills Juvenile Football Training will be taking place at the football pitch on Saturday mornings at 10am.
Under 7s will be in Redhills training this Saturday morning.
Under 9s and 11s will be travelling to Drumalee to play in the go-games. This is our first game of the 2018 season. We will be leaving the football club at 9-30am.
New members always welcome.