JEP – Dragon’s Den Day

Last Wednesday, 5th and 6th class presented their mini business ideas to the Dragon's Den. Our Dragons being Mr.Kerins, Ms.Lynch and Lisa Pepper, owner of Off The Rack, Cootehill. Our Dragons chose the 'Sensory Set' to be the main idea of the class. 5th and 6th class will now work on producing and selling their Sensory Sets, aimed at autistic children with different sensory needs, watch this space! 

Christmas Aistear

Over the past few weeks the boys and girls in Junior and Senior infants have been exploring the theme of Christmas in Aistear. They worked as busy elves designing, building and wrapping toys in Santa's Toy Workshop. They made some magic reindeer food, built their own clay snowmen and painted beautiful Christmas stockings. Here is a look at them in action.

Halloween Aistear

The boys and girls in Junior and Senior Infants had great fun exploring the theme of Halloween during their Aistear sessions in October. They cooked up spooky spells in the potion lab, created some scary spiders and pumkins in arts and crafts, dug for spiders and other creepy crawlies in the sand box and made some potions at the water table. Here is a look at them in action.  