Buddy Day

Our fantastic student council organised a whole school 'Buddy Day' last week. Each child in the school was paired up as a 'little buddy' or a 'big buddy'. The buddies got to know each other by reading together, playing together and hanging out on yard together for the day. It was a huge success. Thank you to our student council for organising! ...

Christmas Lucky Ball Raffle 

We are organising a Christmas Lucky Ball Raffle which will take place in school on Friday 20th December.  Santa will be visiting and will select the winning balls.  Tickets to enter the draw cost €10. If you wish to purchase a ticket, you can send money in an envelope with your name on it into school before the 19th December. Numbers will be allocated at random in school.  Money raised will be used to purchase resources for our schools Special Education department and resources and social trips for the STARS classes.  We have a nu...